Category Archives: Texas

A little bit obscure

And you touch me from a thousand miles away,
And fill my veins with gold.
Make my hands heavy as stones.
No price is as good as riches stole,
No gift as good as a freely given soul.
And when my energy shouts into the blackness
No sound returned
I know you get what you earn.
In wealth or love or all the above
It’s not about the total, its about the sum.


Go forever and get right here

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I would go forever to get right here.


Antique punch bowl – help please if you know anything about these.

I’m so excited about getting to use this punch bowl for a baby shower I’m throwing for my sister-in-law. It’s was my maw maw Bobbies but I don’t know anything about it. It’s beautiful but has no markings telling me where it was made. I think it’s milk glass but I don’t know a lot about that so I’m not sure. If anyone knows anything about this type of glass or where and when things like this were made please post information. Thanks!


“boobs” what a funny word

If their looking at your boobs
they won’t even notice your shoes.
Just sayin,
there are several life lessons you can take away from this.

Blind America

And number one
means nothing now,
since you brought home the prize cow.
And pies have nothing on your recipe…
of happy and family.
Of Duncan Hines,
and fat behinds,
of mortgages,
and greener times.
No IRS or insurance ties.
No living life in peaceful times.
Just keep selling lies,
just keep America blind.
~ Beth ~


Willie Nelson nothing better

Stress is a major downer!

Stress is reeking havoc on my immune system.  Apparently getting married, moving, and changing jobs are three of the top five most stressful things on the stressful things list 🙂 The weird thing is my body knew I was under stress before I ever realized it.  I’m pretty much a go with the flow happy kinda girl for the most part so I really didn’t understand that I was under stress until my body started reacting to it.  I started literally getting sick. I had a fever blister break out on my lip and felt all together awful.  Like this: we were driving in the car looking for houses and I could literally feel myself starting to get sick.  Now Im usually the suck it up and stop your whining kinda girl but my body refused to listen to what my mind was telling it.  Very frustrating! So I started reading about this stuff and stress is a killer and attacks your body and I am actively working on finding some relaxation time to stop this crazy cycle of getting sick and feeling bad.  I took a bubble bath last night and I am making sure I am eating regularly and getting extra sleep.  I am mad that somehow this snuck up on me and I got stressed out without realizing it.  I read some jokes today and laughed because I’m pretty sure stress hates laughter so Im attacking it every chance I get.  Yoga classes next week and plenty of fluids.  Maybe some tea? I dont know.  ANYONE GOT ANY TIPS ON HOW TO BEAT STRESS WHEN YOU DIDN’T EVEN KNOW YOU HAD IT?? HELP!

Always be yourself unless…

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“Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn. And then be a unicorn.”

Morning Motivation

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This one little messy corner of my kitchen propels my life forward every morning. Thank God for coffee!
#thecoffeewhisperer #coffee #coffeewhisperer #liquidmodavation


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Inexpensive DIY wall art:  Thrift store art + vinyl letters + coat of paint, then remove vinyl letters.  Cool idea.  (No link here-- pin only goes to photo.)

googled it and did it
1. PIck up a LP album cover from your local thrift shop or garage sale or grandparents or… your record collection

2. Get vinyl letters ( got mine from the dollar store)

3. Apply letters to the record to say the phrase of your choice

4. Paint over entire album cover with your choice of paint (acrylic)

5. Let paint dry and remove vinyl letters (I’m super impatient and couldn’t wait to let it completely dry before I pulled off my letters and it still turned out perfect..FYI)

One more picture of one I did. I wanted the letters to pop a little so I did a light wash over them in a light colored blue paint.20130518-083846.jpg

Ok and one of me working on my creation with my niece.


Open Hands Farm

Community Supported Agriculture

Lanning Adventures

Dedicated to adventures big and small from the kitchen to the road to all the marks life leaves on the soul.

I am the Pie Lady

recipes and how to make all things baked