The perfect car trash can does exist

I went to clean and organize my car and realized the past year I have been using paper sacks or plastic bags to keep my trash in my car in because the actual “car trash can” is a complete waste of time and never gets used. I’m constantly frustrated when it fills up and tips over and I’m always saying I need something better. Today I did the something better!! It’s so easy and perfect I’m not sure why I didn’t think of it sooner. I went to Walmart and bought a large storage dispenser. The kind used for cereal with the flip top lid. Dropped a trash bag in and haven’t looked back. It fits perfectly, holds plenty and keeps odors and spills inside. I’m winning. Let me know if you try it and think it’s the perfect at trash can like I do. Here is the link to the Walmart one that I purchased.

About Beth Lanning

Im a scatterbrained dingbat but I have Ninja potential. This site is to catch all my scatterbrain in one place so it will be a pile of different things. The more I write the more I learn about the different piles of myself. I once thought it was all a ball of confusion and mess but I now see distinct areas taking shape. My Family, Writing, Cooking and Food, Art, Poetry, Fitness Life, Projects, Learning to Organize, Personal Growth and its really a catch all and you never know what you'll get but isn't that just the way life is? See my other site for me and my husbands journey to build a Tiny hOme!

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