Stress is a major downer!

Stress is reeking havoc on my immune system.  Apparently getting married, moving, and changing jobs are three of the top five most stressful things on the stressful things list 🙂 The weird thing is my body knew I was under stress before I ever realized it.  I’m pretty much a go with the flow happy kinda girl for the most part so I really didn’t understand that I was under stress until my body started reacting to it.  I started literally getting sick. I had a fever blister break out on my lip and felt all together awful.  Like this: we were driving in the car looking for houses and I could literally feel myself starting to get sick.  Now Im usually the suck it up and stop your whining kinda girl but my body refused to listen to what my mind was telling it.  Very frustrating! So I started reading about this stuff and stress is a killer and attacks your body and I am actively working on finding some relaxation time to stop this crazy cycle of getting sick and feeling bad.  I took a bubble bath last night and I am making sure I am eating regularly and getting extra sleep.  I am mad that somehow this snuck up on me and I got stressed out without realizing it.  I read some jokes today and laughed because I’m pretty sure stress hates laughter so Im attacking it every chance I get.  Yoga classes next week and plenty of fluids.  Maybe some tea? I dont know.  ANYONE GOT ANY TIPS ON HOW TO BEAT STRESS WHEN YOU DIDN’T EVEN KNOW YOU HAD IT?? HELP!

About Beth Lanning

Im a scatterbrained dingbat but I have Ninja potential. This site is to catch all my scatterbrain in one place so it will be a pile of different things. The more I write the more I learn about the different piles of myself. I once thought it was all a ball of confusion and mess but I now see distinct areas taking shape. My Family, Writing, Cooking and Food, Art, Poetry, Fitness Life, Projects, Learning to Organize, Personal Growth and its really a catch all and you never know what you'll get but isn't that just the way life is? See my other site for me and my husbands journey to build a Tiny hOme!

19 responses »

  1. I am not an expert on stress, but this remedy can stop a cold sore at the first sign of a tingle:

    Stop Cold Sores Before They Break Out


  2. Meditate, meditate, meditate! Here’s some guided meditations you can try for free. One of them is only 5 minutes long. Doing it once a day will make a huge difference!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. • Aromatherapy
    • Exercise (Exercise releases endorphins, and lowers cortisol levels. Higher cortisol levels results in more anxiety and stress.)
    • Acupuncture Therapy
    • Massage Therapy
    • Counseling
    • Psychiatry/Prescription Medications
    • A consistent sleep schedule with 8+ hours of sleep.
    • Himalayan Salt Lamps
    • Meditation (YouTube is a good source for guided meditation.)
    • Tea
    • Vitamins and Supplements ( )
    • Anti-Stress Adult Coloring Books ( )

    The best course of action would be to meet with your doctor. Sometimes anxiety and/or stress can be the result of internal factors that individuals aren’t always aware of. A doctor would be able to refer you to a psychiatrist for further care. I also recommend seeing a clinical psychologist and undergoing a thorough psychological evaluation (assessment) if possible. Stress and anxiety can be the result of environmental factors, genetic factors, or both. I hope some of the above methods help, and that you feel better!

    Source: Psychology (B.S.) Major and Intern

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Maybe talk with someone, could be anyone you love, could be a healthcoach, could be your journal. Sometimes, when you write about you, yourself, your events during the day, when you describe everything on the paper, is like emptying your soul from any burden. At the end of the writing, you might realise that pressure went away, you can breathe easier, you feel lighter. And, after that, you can go back to read what you wrote and analyze it. You might be surprised. Good luck.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I am a therapist in MO and have a podcast called Mindful Recovery. I lecture all about the emotional brain and love the graphic. May I ask where you got it? I would like to get the rights to use it in some of my work.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This also happens to me ! My best advice is make sure you eat! Nutrition is very important in keeping yourself strong . Whenever I’m stressed, busy, I seem to not eat or if I just limit my intake a healthy nutrients I see the way it effected me! I’m 66 now and I can’t believe as I look back over the years how stress has taken the joy out of the big events in my life ! Leading up to them I ignored myself, it truly showed! Have healthy nutritious shakes at least if you don’t think you’re eating right! A yummy hamburger will also help! Take B vitamins keep doing your yoga and see a professional if need be! Good luck & enjoy your life!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Lysine amino acid for fever blisters exercise for stress and yoga breathing and smile

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Yes I have that same problem still trying to find more ways to deal with stress, but what works for me is mindfulness meditation, essential oils like mint, lavender and tea tree, running or walking oldly but true getting my hair washed with mint shampoo. Praying and reading as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. 1.Diet 2.Exercise. 3. CBD OIL or cbd based marijuana. 4. practice breathing techniques and other CBT approches. 5. wash your head n face when cold water when anxious get your focus on the cold sensation instead of your symptoms 6. take vitamins / drink caffeine free teas like passion flower/green tea. . 7 positive thinking and affirmations no matter what you feel and finally if your into god 8. PRAYER do them all and youll see some changes it takes time so dont rush it u can make it worse take it day by day. and remember its not forever even if its been weeks,months or years. it shall pass..i to deal with chronic anxiety for almost 4 yrs. it has disabled me for the moment but in fighting it dont let your symptoms make u avoid places because It will get worse dont get on prescribe medication it will make it worse in due time heal your gut and your mind will follow wish i new what i knew now 3.5 yrs ago hope my tips helped u or anyone who deals with anxiety/ depression

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Going Keto! 😆

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Yes. Prayer and meditation. Go do something fun, comedies do help, decrease watching a lot of NEGATIVE MEDIA. Yoga? Only if you understand it. Yoga is connected to Hinduism, if you aren’t Hindu or New Age, be careful. Do some simple stretching exercises. Not judging, just informing. Go swimming and stretch your whole body. Use muscles you havin’t In a while. As far as media, find a news broadcast that is truthful but not so negative that your eyes glaze over with grief. Do something artistic and therapeutic; draw, sing, dance…… get out and enjoy things you like that relax you. Go to something spiritually uplifting.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. First, change your mind. When you look for houses ,or ANYTHING, think.of it as an adventure, not a MUST do task.
    If you can trick your mind it wrks better. Because underneath your skin, your body and brain are in constant fight or flight mode.
    Tell your new spouse everything you are feeling too. THEIR job is to help you.

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  13. Hey there girl. I know exactly what you mean. I went through it recently and can’t say I am completely out of it cause just now when reading something i again got emotional for no reason at all. Like you mentioned I am someone who is always smiling, going out for social activities, no one expects me to break down even when I am alone in a new country, but it got to me. The biggest mistake I made was ignoring it when it snuck up. I fell ill and was bed ridden for nearly 4 days (imagine that when you live alone) and still didn’t learn. But when it came a point I was teary eyed over the simplest conversation, I knew I had to fix it. The first thing I did was admit it to a friend. While what they said may not have been new, hearing them was helpful. Knowing that I can take on things and stuff is not out of my hands and that here is proof that I can manage to do stuff and do it well, all that talk and good words from them helped immensely. Now I am ensuring I am making time to sit back and relax with some music, good food, a hot cup of coffee (or tea or cocoa), do something new like check out the local events, it is all helping. I realise it’s a slow process but I feel like it is all adding up positively. One thing that I am trying is what a friend suggested, which is not letting my thoughts wander too far. Living in the present. To do that, I try to bring back my attention to the now by focussing on what my senses can gather, like the sense of smell, of touch, of sight, of hearing. Hope this helps ypu too.

    All the very best for your future, and hope you remember always that the positivity you have will help so stay the happy go lucky self you are.

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  14. I so love that you are focusing on the now. Try a book called The Power of Now if you like to read it is so point on what you said. Living with an managing stress is unfortunately a norm for most people these days so its so key to knowing all the signs and symptoms that surface.


  15. Stress and anxiety go hand in hand. I’ve been there but always could rise above it. I wish I had an answer that would help but I have found as I have gotten older the stress has attacked my body with allergies, sleepless nights, loneliness.
    My Pastor would say if you go there just don’t pack you suit case and stay. Please stay blessed in the Lord!!



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